Tuesday, July 5, 2011

out of step...

Some days when you wake up you know you're just not going to be able to do everything you need to. This weekend I've been sick and I'm spending today recovering from what I can only assume is some sort of space plague.  The heat is relatively unbearable when I cant breathe, so the fan is on and the air conditioning is set to 78*. The problem is life doesn't stop when you've got a cold...or the space plague for that matter. The rabbits need to be cared for, the garden watered and weeded, and the cats demands to be cuddled addressed. The house needs to be cleaned and dishes washed and a million other things my foggy brain can't think of right now. So I take it easy and try to do one thing at a time, napping all along the way. I'm sure I'l be up and ready to take on the next project soon, but for now I'll hang on to the tissue box and catch up on my reading.

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