Friday, July 15, 2011

Hodge Podge Friday - Garden Update + Recipe

This Hodge Podge Friday a garden update and a recipe. Sun Tea Arnold Palmer anyone?
Swiss Chard that  somehow ended up in between our boxes. It seems to be going really well so we left it.  It's turned into Godzilla now and is dwarfing everything around it. It's really yummy too!

Lettuse box with what I believe are Sun Berries? which are supposed to look like a tomato plant but ripen red and taste really sweet. Nothing has ripened yet but we seem to have a bunch of little berry things on it. I'll be glad if they end up being cherry tomatoes too, but I'm hoping!

The squash has gone INSANE! I thought they were going to die and now look at the damn thing. It's taken over everything in the box. We just planted some melons so I hope they aren't choked out.

The  corn patch has finally reached 8 feet. Unfortunately I have no idea when it comes to corn so we're playing by ear. HAHAHAH okay that was a bad joke, but honestly I can't figure out when I'm supposed to pick it and the snails/slugs are all over these guys. We can only hope they will ripen before eaten.

Mason Jar Arnold Palmer

You'll need:

a mason jar with a good lid - one per drink

tea bags - 1 per jar

1 cup lemon juice and lemons for garnish

LOTS of water

1 cup sugar

Let's Get Started!

In the morning fill the mason jar a little over halfway with water and add the tea bags. Put on your lid and make sure it's tight. Let this sit on your porch or a windowsill in the sun until you get home from work or doing chores.

Before leaving for the day make some homebrewed lemonade. You'll need plenty of lemon juice and sugar. 1 cup sugar (can reduce to 3/4 cup),1 cup lemon juice,3 to 4 cups cold water, Mix well and place in the fridge to get cold.

When you get back after a couple hours the tea should be nice and steeped. Pull out the tea bags and add lemonade leaving room for ice if you'd like. Pull up a chair on the porch and enjoy!  It's great for hot afternoons and is wonderful for individual servings. If you'd like to make more than one you'll need more jars and tea bags. I usually make a couple of jars of 1/2 sun tea and pull out the bags at the end of the day and then place the jars in the fridge. This means that I have pre-ready tea in a cold cup ready for the week!


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