Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Be Prepared

At 5:00am, disheveled and annoyed at myself for not paying attention to my need for sleep, I rolled out of bed and wandered into the living room. The decision to leave the playpens set up was brilliant and all I have to do is open the rabbit cages and let them out. I can’t believe I used to get up at 3:00am to work in a Bakery…I classify that job as one of the really stupid ideas I’ve had since I graduated college and went back to culinary school. The rabbit’s water changed and their food refreshed, my hands adequately nibbled from cleaning their “bedrooms” and receiving my morning growl (Astor HATES having his cage cleaned or being picked up or my hands in the cage or…) I’m free to head back to bed and lightly nap while waiting for the alarm to go off.

At least that’s what I thought. The hiccoughing in the bedroom can only mean the cat is being sick on the rug. Blerg…I really hate that. I think the cat hates it too if we’re being honest. Since MAE is really furry she tends to cough up hairballs, even if we have her on petromalt.

Once that is taken care of I hear a crash in the living room…Eisley has discovered a ‘way out’ by knocking over the playpen I thought I have secured but didn’t. This results in a 20 minute game of chase the bunny that ends with me clutching my stubbed toe with one hand and the bunny in the other.

Sometimes I wonder if somewhere there is someone else in the world who does what I do every morning. I stare at the bunnies now secure, and the cats watching them intently and mutter “I’m going to trade you guys in for a dog. At least I’d get out more.”

Some people would take advantage of being up early, make a really nice breakfast and enjoy it on the balcony. Me and extremely disheveled 80’s hair head back to bed without a second thought. Did I tell you that I wasn’t a morning person? I am most defiantly not! Asking me if I plan on waking up before 9:00 am is like asking if I’d like to have my brain stirred with a spork…the answer would be a big fat no! The problem I think is that I do amazing well at night. I have always said if I could set my own hours I would head into work at 4:00pm and end at midnight. For some reason that’s when my mind wants to do complicated things like calculate the tax of a $154.99 purchase in the state of California. (It’s $12.01 just in case you were wondering.)

Unfortunately, life doesn’t allow me to set my own hours and in the case of bunny rabbits, cat fur balls, and my mother calling at 7:00am on a Saturday I just have to wake up and be prepared for anything. Now that is something I know a lot of people do!

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