Tuesday, June 28, 2011

taking one to the face...

They were seperated and safe. At least that's how it seemed to me when I walked downstairs to help my sister with her ipod. Midway through installing the last of her apps I heard the scuffling. I later heard from my husband that he saw what could only be described as a rabbit getting some serious air and jumping into the other playpen.

My focus was on the rabbits as I reached the top of the stairs. The last thing anyone would tell me to look out for is flying cats...but that's exactly what I should have been looking out for. To describe what happened next in detail would take a much better story teller than me, but in essence this is what occured.

As I reached the top of the stairs I focused on the playpen and what I could only assume were two tazmanian devils going at it. Then I saw nothing. My face exploded with pain and I thought somehow I had been punched in the face. I stopped moving, afraid whatever had hit me would do it again. It was seconds before I could focus and realize that the thing that had collided with my face had been our one eyed cat trying to run away from the scuffle. (She is afraid of everything.) Puffed up to three times her size, she was doing a war dance on the floor trying to decide if the other cat or the rabbits were responsible for whatever pain she felt. The process of figuring out what had happened and how to deal with cuts, bruises and several freaked out animals all at the same time was beyond me.

I grabbed both cats, after checking MAE for any possible injuries, and put them in the bedroom to relax. The bunnies were up next as I began to check them out. Astor has a huge gash on her leg but the redness seems to have gone down this morning. Eisley appears to have been the one starting the fights and has less cuts. I can't tell if I got everything, I just know that the worst cuts have been cleaned up.

For myself, I have a slight bruise on my cheek and jaw. I just thank the powers that be MAE had on claw caps or I might be sporting scratches that rival Scar from the Lion King. My neck hurts as well. I'm relatively okay though considering. My husband's third thought was "If we had a camera, that might have been worth quite a bit of  money." lol Somehow, I don't think I want to repeat the experience.

Moral of the Story: Watch out for flying cats, the rabbits are the least of your problems.

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