Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Garden Update

Gardening during our lunch hour has taken on a ritual of it's own. My husband waits in the car for me to come running down the steps and we drive to the community garden. We eat and talk in the car for a bit. Once we're full we meander to the garden plots and the birds warble while we water the garden and for a little while at least I am transported to another place where no one knows what qualitative charactersitics actually means.
Today the tomatoes were finally large enough to be visible from far away. There's something enchanting about the smell of tomato plants. Sometimes I handle the leaves just a little to get  whiff of that awesome tomato smell. This year we only have one tomato plant that seems to be doing quite well. It's supposed to be a black Krim, but there doesn't seem to be any way to make sure. I had my doubts when the guy handed me one from the area randomly marked Black. Since there were several kinds of "black tomatoes"  listed on his fliers, I wondered how he knew. Until we see them turn orange though I'll believe him. Sometimes you just have to have faith.
Our three sisters plot, also known as corn, beans. and squash is doing REALLY well. Unfortunately there are two things that I just can't seem to figure out. We have beans that we believe are the boiling kind, but aren't quite sure how we go about processing them. I'm sure this is going to lead to me googling things until 4 am on a Friday, but there you have it. The second problem appears to be a confusion about what kind of corn we actually planted, and what grew. We had two kindsof corn, a blue corn that I thought would be interesting and gentleman's lace.  We're not sure which one's germinated, because my brilliant self planted them hodge podge in the garden. I'm sure we'll find out when we actually get corn.  We've already had a good 10 squash and a lot of little ones are forming on the plants. I'm thinking squash soup? Recipes?
The only drawbacks from working in the garden is the dirt that ends up all over my pants and the fact that the water from the hose always soaks the bottom of my pants. Everyone kind of takes it as a matter of course I think since they know that's where we go. I'm planning on some more carrots this summer, along with lettuce. Look for gardening tips later this week!

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